Primrose Hill Veterinary Hospital in Dublin welcomes insured patients from all companies. When making your appointment, please inform the receptionist whether you are insured and ideally provide us with your insurance details. It is also a good idea to give your insurance company a call before your appointment here to inform them that your vet has referred your pet to PHVH for treatment.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee whether treatment for your pet will be covered by your policy as there is huge variation in insurance policies available. If you would like to know for certain if treatment will be covered, we can complete a pre-authorisation for the specific treatment - this is unfortunately not possible with all insurance companies.
The Claims Procedure
We would expect you to settle the cost of the consultation and treatment first and we will then work closely with the insurance company to help process your claim as quickly as possible, so you are not out of pocket too long. When you come for your appointment, it is very helpful if you can bring your insurance information (policy number, policy document) with you as this may aid us in processing your claim.
You will have to make a separate claim for any related treatment performed by the referring vet. Please bear with us when you submit your insurance forms as we must process all claims by hand, and this is a time-consuming procedure. We will of course try to process all claims as fast as is possible.
Queries on a processed claim If you are checking if a claim has been sent on our end, we will be able to tell you that over the phone.
However, any queries specific to your policy or insurance account must be made directly to your insurance company.
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